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The deadline for booking this flight ticket is now overdue.

  • Flight booking for:

    Please fill in below fields and questions to confirm your flight ticket. After confirming your details you will be transferred to a DIBS payment site.

    Important information:
    -The flight ticket is a set price in SEK incl. VAT.
    -Only Visa, Mastercard and American Express are accepted cards for payment.

    Personal information

    Fields marked with "*" are obligatory.

  • *

  • Flight options

    Please choose which flight you wish to book.

  • Flight outbound from Cebu and Tagbilaran
    DEP. TAGBILARAN: 11/4 -  9:30AM
    DEP. CEBU: 11/4 -  10:30AM
    The flight has 72 seats in total.
    2400 SEK (incl. VAT)

    Flight outbound from Iloilo and Bacolod.
    DEP. BACOLOD SILAY: 11/4 - 10:00AM
    DEP. ILOILO: 11/4 - 11:45AM
    The flight has 70 seats in total.
    2300 SEK (incl. VAT)

    Application for connecting flight: Manila - Stockholm

    Applications for this option is now full.


  • Other details

  • I understand that the information I provide in this form will be included in the official delegate list and may be used for communication related to my specific travel. *
  • I understand that the booking of travel is binding and non-refundable. *

Points of contact:

Swedish embassy in Rabat: +212 537 63 32 10

For emergency matters, please contact the UD-jour during out of office hours:
+46 8 405 50 05